I just signed up to blog on this venue and and was once again reminded that my self knowledge may not be comprehensive. Is my upbringing really the central fact of my life as I stated in my profile? My father died when I was four and the passing through male influences of my life were not nearly as strong as my sisters who raised me. My sensibilities are often out of sync with my male friends and I am usually happy when that is the case. My sexual orientation is exclusively hetero but my female friends talk to me, sometimes, as if I were their gal pal. I say give women a chance to run the world, men have proved to be less than stellar leaders despite their having an anatomical rudder to guide them. Or maybe that's a tiller with no rudder attached. Maybe this is the most awkward analogy ever attempted, I don't know, but my guess is it's a contender.
Thanks to Laurie for leading me to this site and saving me money as I was paying to have markaleblanc.com to post my musings and expose my skewed view. I will convert that to its intended use as a marketing tool for my real estate business and thus the fees will be tax deductible.
I highly enjoy and therefore recommend In Laurie's Brain and A Southern Bell trying not to rust as well. Both feature a geographical point of view that sometimes transcends the anatomical.
Thanks, Mark. I'll be watching you. :)