I (don’t) Write the Songs
I posted one of my favorite song lines on my alumni site today only to hear it as bumper music seconds later on a morning news program. “I used to be disgusted but now I try to be amused…”, a strange coincidence. So many song lyrics are stored in my head and when they pop up, if I am paying attention, there is usually a connection to the current events of my life. One of my all time favorite bands, Doug and the Slugs, recorded a song with the lyric”..men like me we need a roomful of clues…”. I love this line because it describes me in certain situations and is a handy explanation when I am a bit slow on the uptake. ” I got ramblin’, ramblin’ on my mind…” that one pops up often in meetings when the speaker just can’t seem to focus. Oftentimes I have played the whole song on my cranial MP3 as the speaker, well, rambled on.
Some of my favorite musical artists are strong writers. Little Feat, Bonnie Raitt, (…he stuck out like a ruby in a black man’s ear…”), people who can describe a lifetime in a phrase or write a phrase that you remember for a lifetime. Too many to mention and we all have our favorites, so listen closely and often, we all need a soundtrack to our lives.
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