A letter to my 40-something, neocon nephew: James, I don't know if you know this, but your step-grandmother, my mother, was run out of Kountze, TX back in the 30's by the KKK who burned a cross in their yard the night of the day they moved there. They had a sign at the city limits that said "Don't let the sun set on you in this town, n----r", but this particular group also hated and would not tolerate Catholics. Is anyone you know Catholic? Anyway, these fellows wore white robes and pointy hats so there would be no doubt what their business was. They're still around and they may wear ties and they may rally in public places and they may have their own cable propaganda network (named after a sly, deceitful animal) but their currency is still hatred, still intolerance, still racism. When they say they want to take their country back, you better ask how far back. My family's story is only one generation ago and the cancer on freedom has not been cured, only renamed and dressed in a tie or holding a sign that says...God hates...whomever they oppose. Look long and hard at your fellow travelers, whether ignorant or malicious, they are not what they claim to be.
2 minutes ago ·
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