Saturday, February 25, 2012

Old Cajun Proverb 02252012

Praying for others is the least we can do...........and the most!

Friday, February 24, 2012

On faith and proof.....02242012

I am familiar with width, length and height. Those are three dimensions that I can measure and prove to my satisfaction. When I approached spirituality with the same mindset, I believed it didn't exist because it didn't fit the rigid test that I had for the real. When I ceased to look for proof and began to pray for faith, I was rocketed into a fourth dimension. I still can't prove it's existence, but today, I have no need to do that. I have learned that not everything that is real is "proveable". I leave proof to the mathematicians and embrace the joy of living in this "fourth dimension".

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cajun Prayer for clarity....022112

Heavenly Father, help me to remember that as I struggle toward my goals that I am living in a multiple blessing. I have the blessings of a goal, the strength that you give me for the struggle and the knowledge that your will is my guide. May I always walk in your path for me and live the life that you have willed for me.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Note to a fellow procrastinator..............

Wow, Robert, sometimes I think this defect is the hardest to shake. Making my bed every day is critical to the quality of my day and my life. Leaving chores undone is like carrying a backpack full of things I don't need. It slows me down and distracts me from the success of my journey. I must move forward without the weight of the undone.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Note to a sister who relapsed.......

You had over 4300 days of sobriety to practice and learn for TODAY, nothing went down the drain. If we all had to change our sobriety date because of a relapse of spirituality or kindness or God consciousness, we would all have one day. Take what you have learned and the love of those who walk the path with you and recover.